Secret KGB document decrypted: Soviet navy encounters USO [Radio] (VIDEO)

UFOs are a concept that is no longer strange to many people. But the USO, that is, an unidentified submersible object on the seabed, is quite alien to us, even to those who believe and seek aliens. But a decrypted document from the Soviet era shows that Russia has been in contact with aliens hidden at the bottom of the sea for decades…Earth, our blue planet, has 71% of its surface area covered by seawater – a total volume of about 1.35 billion km3.

The vast ocean is right on Earth, but humans have only discovered about 5% of the ocean floor, the remaining 95% is still mysterious. One of those mysteries is the USO – Unidentified Underwater Diving Object on the seabed.

classified documents
Recently, top-secret documents from the KGB and Soviet navy intelligence services – revealing about the Russian Navy’s meeting with aliens on the seabed – went viral on the Internet. All of this made people extremely shocked and curious.

Decoded documents dating back to the Soviet era show that Russia has been in contact with aliens hidden at the bottom of the sea for decades, and the information about the mystery has been sealed in the Kremlin’s secret archives. So does a highly developed civilization still exist at the bottom of the deep sea? And where do they come from?

In 1963, when the U.S. military was conducting exercises in the Caribbean Sea, radar detected an unidentified submarine traveling above and below the water, traveling at speeds of up to 230 knots — equivalent to 400 kilometers per hour — far exceeding the maximum speed of the fastest submarine at the time, the Seawolf-class nuclear attack submarine at just 45 knots. equivalent to 80km/h.At that time, the U.S. submarine tried to chase the other USO but could not keep up. Eventually, the mysterious submarine dived to a depth of 6,000 meters, disappearing from radar screens. At that time, the US-Soviet Cold War reached its climax, and both sides suspected that the USO was the enemy’s secret weapon.

Encounter 6 USO
In 1961, the Soviet Type 627 nuclear attack submarine was on duty in the Baltic deep sea. This is the leading nuclear-powered submarine and belongs to the first generation of the Soviet Navy, of great significance, marking a great step forward of the era.

This submarine carries 4 nuclear warheads. During the mission, its sonar system identified six unidentified diving objects, which were triangular in shape. They travel at 265 miles per hour, and get close to them.

On board are all well-trained naval officers. All of them had never seen an underwater object like it. The ship’s commander ordered to slow down, unexpectedly at that moment all 6 objects also slowed down at the same time. The commander urgently summoned the crew to the combat room. They also said that the location of the submarine had been revealed, most likely to be attacked. The submarine was immediately in a state of combat readiness.

After discussion, the commander quickly decided to let the ship surface surface. But an unexpected incident continued to happen, the other 6 USO also emerged, moreover, they quickly moved and disappeared in the air. The Soviet submarine, due to its haste to surface, exposed itself to surveillance satellites. Since then, Nato has learned about the first generation of Soviet nuclear attack submarines.

In 2009, Russia released a classified KGB document that described a strange meeting between the Soviet navy and the USO. Dave Rosenfeld, an American UFO researcher and investigator, said that the six unidentified objects can move quickly both underwater and in the air, with speeds and techniques that are impossible for the current level of human technology to create.

And more interestingly, the aforementioned witness to the USO is not the only case mentioned in the KGB’s declassified documents.

From World War II to 1991 when the Soviet Union was dissolved, the Soviet navy’s maritime diary recorded more than 90 encounters with the USO.

More than 90 USO clashes
In the summer of 1965, when the Soviet navy ship Raduga was on a reconnaissance mission in the Red Sea, a glowing red spherical object flew out of the sea, at a distance of 3.2 kilometers from the hull.

According to reports at the time, the mysterious object was about 60 meters in diameter, and after it hovered for a while in the air at an altitude of 150 meters, a huge column of water protruded from the surface of the sea and brought it back into the mysterious waters. Until now, people have not been able to explain this strange phenomenon.

In addition, the document also said that General V.A. Domislovsky, head of Russia’s Pacific Fleet Intelligence Service, once witnessed a giant object – known as the Silver Beehive flying over the Pacific Ocean.

As described in General Dimislovsky’s report, at that time, when his fleet was on a drill mission in the Pacific Ocean, suddenly a huge, cylindrical, unidentified object, about 900 meters long, flew out of the sea and flew high in the air – about 800-900 meters above sea level. At this very moment, several small planes flew out from its bottom, like a swarm of bees, flew out of the hive, and then dived into the sea. After a while, those small planes followed the huge cylindrical object back to the surface of the sea, and finally all disappeared from the surface of the sea.

Another case is that of Major General Yury Beketov, the former commander of Russia’s nuclear submarines, claiming that his forces had seen the USO in the Bermuda Triangle. Beketov said: “At that time, we continued to detect a number of unidentified objects moving on the seabed at a very fast speed of about 0.11 km/s… This is really far beyond the level of human technology. Maybe they belonged to a highly developed civilization that existed under the sea.”

Another notable example is Igor Barklay, a Russian naval intelligence expert, who also mentioned that USOs can often be detected in the deep waters of key military bases such as in the Bahamas, Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the East Coast of the United States.

Thus, we can see that military commanders, intelligence experts, and customs forces have identified firsthand sightings of the USO. This shows that the existence of USO is not an unfounded rumor, but a fact that has been witnessed and confirmed many times.Russia’s USO secret
In 2016, two alien researchers, Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, based on the KGB’s declassified documents about the USO, wrote “Russia’s USO Secret: Unidentified Underwater Objects in the Russian Sea and the World.” They said:

“The Russian government has tried to crack down on all witnesses of the unidentified diving object, asking these witnesses not to reveal what they have seen to the public, otherwise things will be unpredictable. However, thanks to the Internet, even in such a high-pressure situation, information about underwater diving objects is gradually becoming public.”

These witnesses claim that in the waters of Russia and elsewhere, there are indeed some creatures with very high intelligence, and they even built their own civilization on the seabed. Among these highly intelligent creatures, “the swimmers” are the most special. This creature is 3 meters tall and has a human-like appearance, which can move freely in cold water.

Stonehill and Mantle have revealed in the book the horrific experience of Russian army divers when they encountered “swimmers” in 1982 at Lake Baikal.

The Secret of Lake Baikal
Lake Berga is located between eastern Siberia, Mongolia and Russia – the largest freshwater reservoir in the world, with a length of 636 km, an average width of 48 km, the 7th largest area in the world of 31.5 million km2, and a depth of 1,637 m, the amount of water stored accounts for 20% of the world’s fresh water.

Therefore, it is probably not an exaggeration to say that Lake Berga is the ‘water bottle of the world’. The lake was formed 2.5 million years ago, and it is cold all year round. There are many mysterious phenomena here.

In 1977, researchers named V. Alexandrov and G. Seliverstov used a small model submarine to dive into Lake Baikal at a depth of 1,200 meters, then they turned off all the lights inside the ship to test the level of light penetrating the water. However, at that moment, an unusually intense light suddenly shone in front of their eyes. A few seconds later, the light disappeared, and they sank into darkness.

In addition, Russian naval divers also recorded an extremely frightening incident in Lake Baikal. In 1982, Russia had a very strong military force, which could rival the level of confrontation with the United States. Major General V. Demyanenko, commander of the military divers team of the Ministry of Defense, ordered some personnel to come to Lake Baikal for training.

At that time, 7 divers brought diving equipment into the water at a depth of about 50 meters. All seven were wearing thick wetsuits, oxygen tanks, and using a special rope to connect them to avoid getting lost. The water was very dark, only the lights on the divers’ heads were swaying. At that moment, one of them waved his hand to his teammates. The rest of the people turned around, and suddenly saw a gloomy light passing by. In front of them were a few strangely large humanoid creatures.

Their whole body is covered with a silver skin, except for the transparent semicircular hat, they do not carry any diving equipment. After that, the whole incident quickly shocked the Kremlin.The Russian military leadership has ordered the capture of these “swimmers”. They went back to the bottom of the lake and brought weapons, fishing nets and diving equipment.

When he came to the place where he had encountered strange creatures, they suddenly appeared again. A diver with a net approached and prepared to aim at one of the creatures. They suddenly emitted a sonar waveform, counterattacking the group of divers. The loud frequency sound waves stunned 7 people, they had to quickly float to the surface of the water. But for divers, rising from the bottom of deep water to the surface needs to be well controlled in terms of speed and time. If it rises too quickly, it will cause a huge impact on the body, causing the lungs to swell, leading to embolism.

Because of the sudden rise to the surface that time, 3 divers were seriously injured, unconscious on the spot, and the remaining 4 were injured to varying degrees. 7 people were quickly taken to the emergency room. Unfortunately, the 3 divers who lost consciousness did not survive and died. The Soviet navy and government hid this information from the outside world. It was only when this secret document of the KGB was decrypted that the incident became clear.

People around Lake Baikal have also witnessed the phenomenon of USO and unknown organisms many times. What is special is that the rock carvings from a few thousand years ago look like those sea creatures.

Aliens kidnap humans and take them into the sea?
The story of a resident, Mr. Orlando Jorge Ferraudi, is quite thrilling and famous. He said he was once kidnapped and taken to an underwater facility in Argentina. Here, he learned the great secret of extraterrestrial life.

Ferraudi recalled that while night fishing in the sea in Argentina, he suddenly felt eyes staring at him, and he turned around and saw a creature that looked like a human figure about 2.1 meters tall, with pale white skin. Mr. Ferraudi was very scared. The creature slowly approached him and seemed to know Farraudi was afraid, so it tried to soothe him through telepathic messages.

Farraudi said: “It was a dark night. This creature said to me in thought, “Take it slowly. You don’t have to be afraid!”

The creature then took out a small box and placed it on the wall. When opened, this box emits a phosphorescent light that allows Ferraudi to see more details. The entity’s clothing is yellow, wrinkle-free. The creature repeated: “Don’t be afraid, you’ll go with me, we’ll have a long journey.”

Then, a large object that resembled “an inverted saucer” approached from underwater, and then the door on it opened, and a large person motioned for them to enter.Ferraudi obediently entered the flying object and saw a girl about 18 years old sitting inside. She also told him not to be afraid. She said her name was Elena, who had been put on board the ship not long before. After that, they changed into a type of jumpsuit. Because the bacteria on the human body can harm those strange creatures. They were told to travel across the ocean to Africa.

Upon arriving at Samborombon Bay, Argentina, the ship flew out of the water. The strange creatures say that they do so to avoid human radar. Arriving in Africa, the ship flew straight into the sky, penetrating outer space.

According to Ferraudi, when he flew in space, he could see the whole earth and the moon. The strange creature also told him that they could reach the earth in the blink of an eye through the ‘path of force’ that they projected onto the earth.

Curiously, Ferraudi’s descriptions of the panorama of the moon and the earth are strikingly similar to those made by human space probes. This is one of the reasons why Ferraudi’s thrilling story is noticed by many people.

Ferraudi added that they were in space for a while and then returned to earth. Along the way, they stopped at a large underwater dome where several bases were apparently placed to “remodel the ships” and carry out various experiments.

Ferraudi and Elena were fed several tasteless red, yellow, brown, and blue eggs, after which they were placed on a stretcher and both fell into a deep sleep. When they wake up, they are told that the “test results” are good, that their pineal gland has been “reactivated” and that this will allow them to receive spiritual messages from the aliens. They also discovered that they could read the other person’s mind.

The strange creature told them that the pineal body in the human body was always in a state of inactivity. Humans were not born on earth but from other planetary civilizations. And the pine body is indeed the greatest characteristic of the primitive race. When it is reactivated, we can hear the thoughts of others, which is also a kind of telepathy.

Ferraudi has learned that extraterrestrial beings have been conducting experiments on humans at his facilities for thousands of years. They study all life on Earth. This made him surprised, even unbelievable. He could not have imagined that aliens would silently investigate human life and know so much about it. After the aliens finished conducting the experiment, Mr. Ferraudi was sent back to the mainland.

Until now, the story of Mr. Ferraudi’s abduction has not been verified. Therefore, this incident has become one of the major mysteries related to aliens that humans have not been able to solve.

Final verdicts
More than 70% of the earth’s surface area is covered by water. So if alien life comes to earth, perhaps the sea will be an important place for them to study and learn about the earth’s ecosystem. They can use methods that humans can’t see to track our seas and lakes.

There are also many reports of UFOs entering the sea. The problem we need to consider is why those UFOs or USO want to enter the sea and lake area of the earth. Did they set up a base in the earth and the entrance was at the bottom of the sea or the bottom of the lake? Can it be well hidden and not detected?

Or do aliens have some special need for earth’s water resources, especially fresh water?

We know that although there are many icy planets in the universe, recently, through the analysis and observation of the atmospheres of extraterrestrial planets, it has been found that the water resources on Earth are most likely a rare resource in the entire universe.


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