New Forbidden Discoveries 2018 Artifacts That Will Defy History Books

In the world of archaeology, new discoveries are constantly being made that challenge our understanding of history. These discoveries can range from new fossils that reshape our knowledge of evolution, to ancient civilizations that were previously unknown. In 2018, a number of new artifacts were unearthed that have the potential to reshape our understanding of the past.

One such discovery was made in Egypt, where archaeologists uncovered a huge cache of mummies in a burial site near the city of Minya. The mummies were incredibly well-preserved, with intricate embalming techniques that have never been seen before. Some of the mummies were wrapped in gold foil, suggesting that they belonged to high-ranking individuals. This discovery has the potential to shed new light on the ancient Egyptian burial practices and rituals.

Another exciting discovery was made in Turkey, where a team of archaeologists unearthed a large stone structure that appears to be a temple complex dating back to the Bronze Age. The structure is thought to be over 3,000 years old and is covered in intricate carvings and inscriptions that have yet to be deciphered. This discovery could provide valuable insights into the religious practices of the ancient civilizations that inhabited the region.

In Greece, a team of underwater archaeologists made a stunning discovery when they uncovered a sunken city off the coast of Peloponnese. The city is believed to be over 2,000 years old and was remarkably well-preserved, with intact buildings, streets, and even pottery. This discovery has the potential to rewrite the history of the region and provide new insights into the daily life of ancient Greek civilizations.

These new discoveries are just a few examples of the exciting finds that were made in 2018. As archaeologists continue to unearth new artifacts and study them, our understanding of history will continue to evolve. These discoveries challenge our preconceived notions of the past and force us to rethink the way we view ancient civilizations. As we move forward, it is important to approach these new discoveries with an open mind and a willingness to reevaluate our understanding of the past. Who knows what other secrets lie waiting to be uncovered beneath the earth’s surface?

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