1980-UFO Landings at Rendlesham Forest – National UFO Center (video)


The Rendlesham Forest incident, also known as the Rendlesham Forest UFO sightings, is one of the most famous cases of alleged UFO landings in the United Kingdom. The incident occurred in December 1980, when several military personnel stationed at RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, both of which were in Suffolk, England, reported witnessing strange lights in the forest.

The events began on the night of December 26, when United States Air Force personnel stationed at RAF Woodbridge reported seeing unusual lights in the forest. They initially believed it to be a crashed aircraft and went to investigate. Upon entering the forest, they claimed to have encountered a metallic, triangular-shaped object with strange hieroglyphic-like symbols on its surface. The object was said to have moved through the trees, emitting a bright light.

Over the next few nights, more sightings were reported, with some witnesses claiming to have seen beings inside the craft. Some of the witnesses also reported experiencing strange physical sensations, such as a feeling of static electricity in the air.

The incident gained international attention and became known as one of the most compelling UFO cases in history. However, skeptics have dismissed the sightings as a hoax or misinterpretation of natural phenomena. Some have suggested that the lights witnessed in the forest were actually caused by a nearby lighthouse.

Despite the skepticism, many of the witnesses involved in the Rendlesham Forest incident have stood by their accounts, insisting that they saw something otherworldly that night. The incident has been the subject of numerous investigations, including one by the Ministry of Defence, which concluded that there was no evidence of a threat to national security.

The National UFO Center has compiled a detailed report on the Rendlesham Forest incident, documenting the eyewitness testimonies, official investigations, and expert analyses of the case. While the truth behind the events at Rendlesham Forest may never be known for certain, the incident remains a fascinating and mysterious chapter in the history of UFO sightings.